The key to understanding how to best care for your trees is to understand the type of environment you’re growing them in and what steps you can take to help them thrive. Sid Mourning Tree Service is here to provide high-quality tree care in the Austin, TX, area. With over thirty years of experience, we understand how to take care of trees in Austin, TX, and how to give different tree species the care they need to flourish.
The first step to healthy and hearty tree care in Austin, TX, is to provide proper sustenance to a tree’s roots with tree mulching. Good mulching spreads a few inches of compost, wood chips, or even straw around the base of a tree to promote healthy growth. Tree mulching doesn’t provide sustenance itself, per se, but it instead keeps the soil cool, contains water if needed, and (most importantly) keeps weeds and other undesirable plant growth from growing and invading your trees’ space—potentially consuming the valuable nutrients and water from the soil that your trees need.
Another important practice is that of tree pruning. While you may think it best to let nature take its course during your trees’ development, pruning is an incredibly important part of proper tree care. Tree pruning is the process of removing dead, damaged, or even healthy but problematic limbs from the tree. This strengthens the structure of your trees and ensures the nutrients the trees use to grow are being distributed evenly rather than wasted on damaged branches or overly healthy parts of the tree that may cause issues with the tree’s growth down the line—such as becoming too heavy on one side and forcing the tree to bend or break.
Something that you should be wary of—which indicates that professional services like ours are necessary—is if your trees are missing their bark. The bark serves as a protective hide for trees that keeps pests and insects from burrowing inside and severely harming your trees. Without that bark, your trees are very vulnerable to harmful insects and diseases that will impair their growth—if not completely kill the trees.